Social Media Plattformen für Akademiker

Andy Miah empfiehlt im Blog «Impact of Social Sciences» unter dem Titel «Top 5 social media platforms for research development» die aus seiner Sicht nützlichsten Social Media Plattformen für Akademiker (via Jürgen Plieniger auf Twitter):

«1. Twitter – Don’t just follow people, curate your own thematic lists and follow hashtags to get the most out of this, start with #loveHE
2. LinkedIn – if you don’t have a website, this social CV space is also quickly replacing discussion groups.
3. Google Scholar – Set up an author profile to track your citations and receive alerts whenever your work is cited.
4. Slideshare – Upload your presentations and start building your followers around the content you’ve already created.
5. YouTube – 2013 is the year of video, so no top 5 would be complete without some video platform. There are many others now – and micro video-blogging on such platforms as Tout and Vine are worth keeping an eye on, but YouTube remains a good place to start.»

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