Griechisch/Latein Online-Lexikon Logeion

Die meisten Altphilologen sind vertraut mit Perseus und TLG toolkits. Logeion ist ein weiteres freies Griechisch/Latein Online-Lexikon, betrieben von der University of Chicago. Es ist Perseus ähnlich, aber mit anderem Interface (via quisquilia bzw. The Library of Antiquity):

«Logeion is a free, online Greek/Latin dictionary resource based at the University of Chicago. Coming from the Greek for a “speaking place” (i.e. a stage or speaker’s platform), Logeion allows users to query Greek and Latin terms within a single search bar. While Greek terms can be found using a Latin keyboard, I recommend that you switch to a Greek keyboard. Accent marks are not necessary – a dropdown box will allow you to select the specific term for which you are searching. (…)

In short, Logeion is a powerful, convenient, free resource for anyone interested in Classical studies. Its inclusion of both intermediate and advanced Greek/Latin dictionaries renders it useful to philologists of every level, and its streamlined format affords easy navigation of its copious reference material. I personally use this website every day, and I highly recommend it to anyone reading Greek or Latin.»

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