OER und Schulbibliotheken

Joyce Valenza fasst auf NeverEndingSearch unter dem Titel «OER and you. The curation mandate» zusammen, was OER für Schulbibliotheken und den Unterricht bedeuten könnte (via Basedow1764’s Weblog):

«Digital curation is simply a translation of traditional library services. It’s our gig. Curation is about selection, access, organization, equity.

Librarians are have always been about (and translating): selecting, organizing, ensuring access & equity, sense-making, adding value, instructional voice, storytelling, personalizing and learning.

And so,

– How will you curate to make the bounty of emerging portals themselves discoverable?
– How will you select and curate instructional content to add local instructional value?
– How will you ensure that your valuable existing purchases will be utilized along with the free content?
– How will you work with teachers to understand the Creative Commons licensing behind the resources?
– How will you build meaningful inquiry around these resources?
– As a librarian, how will you translate your role and use OER to create and build and collaborate and contribute?»

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