1.9 Millionen Bilder des British Museum online

Das British Museum macht im Zuge einer Website-Erneuerung 1.9 Millionen Fotos aus seiner Sammlung für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Die Bilder stehen unter einer Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Lizenz (via kottke.org):

“The British Museum Collection Online makes millions of objects accessible to the citizens of the world, wherever they might be. Whether you are a student, an artist, a scholar or are a lover of history and culture, this is an unparalleled resource to explore the richness, diversity and complexity of human history contained in the British Museum’s collection. It is also a platform where we can share the latest knowledge and research. We are delighted to be able to unveil this major revamp early, and hope that these important objects can provide inspiration, reflection or even just quiet moments of distraction during this difficult time.”

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