Die älteste Weltkarte der Welt

Irving Finkel, Kurator am British Museum und Experte für Keilschrift, wirft auf Youtube einen Blick auf eine 2900 Jahre alte mesopotamische Tafel, die eine Karte der damals bekannten Welt enthält (via kottke.org):

“The Babylonian map of the world is the oldest map of the world, in the world. Written and inscribed on clay in Mesopotamia around 2,900-years-ago, it is, like so many cuneiform tablets, incomplete. However, Irving Finkel and a particularly gifted student of his – Edith Horsley – managed to locate a missing piece of the map, slot it back into the cuneiform tablet, and from there set us all on journey through the somewhat mythical landscape of Mesopotamia to find the final resting place of the ark. And yes we mean that ark, as in Noah’s ark. Although in the earlier Mesopotamian version of the flood story, the ark is built by Ziusudra.”

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