Der aktuelle Scout Report setzt einen Schwerpunkt bei “LGBTQ Literature”. Empfohlen wird z.B. The Lesbrary, ein Blog, das auf bisequelle und lesbische Literatur spezialisiert ist. Einen ersten Überblick bietet die “Recommendations List”, auf der es auch eine Abteilung mit “Young Adult” gibt (via The Scout Report – Volume 26, Number 42):
“Bare bookshelves be warned, The Lesbrary has plenty of suggestions to restock reading lists. The site is primarily “a book blog about bi and lesbian books,” though it does sometimes cover other current events relevant to the LGBTQ community. Danika Leigh Ellis, a teacher based in British Columbia, Canada, launched the blog in 2010. Since then, it has expanded to include several other routine contributors and guest bloggers. The site prioritizes reviews where “the main character is a queer woman or the main subject matter is queer women,” as well as books written by authors of color and transgender authors. Recent reviews are visible on the Home page, and a comprehensive compilation can be found on the Browse By page. Here, posts can be sorted by genre (for example, historical fiction or poetry), rating (on a scale of one to five stars), and representation (including disability representation and authors of color). Readers may also want to check out Danika’s Recommendations List, highlighting some of the founder’s favorite books. [EMB]”