Der isländische Lehrer Ingvi Hrannar Ómarsson hat in seinem Blog unter dem Titel “14 things that are obsolete in 21st century schools” eine Liste von Dingen erstellt, die er als nicht mehr zeitgemäss einstuft. Einige Punkte tangieren auch die Schulmediothek, z.B. kein WLAN (Punkt 3), Verbot von Tablets und Smartphones (Punkt 4), Schulen ohne aktiven Facebook- und Twitter-Auftritt (Punkt 7) und traditionelle Bibliotheken (Punkt 11):
“Libraries that only contain books and chess tables are obsolete.
A 21st century library should be at the heart of the school and a place where both students and staff can come in to relax, read, get advice, access powerful devices, edit videos, music, print in 3D and learn how to code to name a few. This 21st century learning space should give people an equal chance to use these devices and access information. Otherwise these libraries will turn into museums where people go to look at all the things we used to use.”
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