
Nach der umfangreichen Medienberichterstattung über die beängstigende Dominanz der rechtsextremen Partei AfD sind im deutschen Teil von TikTok mehrere Versuche von Gegenbewegungen unter dem Hashtag #ReclaimTikTok zu beobachten (via Newsletter “Understanding TikTok”):

“After extensive media coverage concerning the scary dominance of Germany’s right-wing extremist party AfD (#123) several attempts of countermovements (Spiegel) can be observed in the German part of TikTok.

Since the beginning of March a group of german climate activists including Luisa Neubauer (29.8K Follower 136.6.K Likes) – one of the main organisers of the school strike for climate movement in Germany – is promoting the hashtag #reclaimTikTok asking fellow activists to join the platform in order “not to let the AfD’s lies & disinformation go unchallenged.” Creators post instructions on how to support “progressive accounts” and ask new users to “flood the comment sections with good vibes”.

In the last two weeks there have been over 2200 posts including the #ReclaimTikTok with up to 520K individual views. Some new TikTok users share their malaise having to perform in front of a camera on a platform they never wanted to join while others already start questioning the deeper meaning of the hashtag and ask for further political considerations besides mere opposition against far-right content.”

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