kottke.org, laut Eigenwerbung “one of the best independent blogs” feiert das 15jährige Jubiläum als Ein-Mann-Vollzeitjob, getragen von Spenden (Mitgliederbeiträge, alle Blogposts sind aber frei im Netz verfügbar, via kottke.org):
“Fast forward to the present day and this little website is still chugging along. In its almost 22 years of existence, kottke.org has never gotten big, but it’s also never gone away, predating & outlasting many excellent and dearly missed sites like Grantland, Rookie, The Toast, The Awl, Gawker, and hundreds of others. I have other people write for the site on occasion, but it’s still very much a one-person production by a reluctant influencer (*barf*) who, as an introvert, still (naively?) thinks about posts on the site as personal emails to individual readers rather than as some sort of broadcast. I’d like to thank those early supporters for having faith in me and in this site — you’re the reason we’re all still here, gathered around this little online campfire, swapping stories about the human condition.”