Über 400 Lyrik-Aufnahmen und Lesungen online

Über das „Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature“ der Library of Congress habe ich am 25.4.2015 im digithek blog unter dem Titel «Poesie online» bereits berichtet.

Kürzlich wurden weitere 50 Titel veröffentlicht, so dass mittlerweile 446 Aufnahmen online zu finden sind (via blogs.loc.gov):

«The archive—a collection dating back to 1943, when Allen Tate was consultant in poetry—contains nearly 2,000 audio recordings of celebrated poets and writers participating in literary events at the Library of Congress, along with sessions recorded in the recording laboratory in the Library’s Jefferson Building. Most of these recordings were originally captured on magnetic tape reels and have only been accessible by visiting the Library in person.»

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