Bellingcat TikTok Analysis Tool

Bellingcat erklärt unter dem Titel “This New Tool Lets You Analyse TikTok Hashtags”, wie das neue Bellingcat TikTok Analysis Tool funktioniert. Es gibt dazu auch ein Youtube-Video (via Bellingcat Newsletter):

“Nevertheless, it’s still tricky to monitor specific topics on TikTok over a longer period of time. Compared to those of other social media platforms, TikTok’s API (Application Programming Interface) presents more obstacles to developers. It can change frequently, making it harder for developers to use and harder for researchers to draw wider insights from trends as they develop over weeks and months.

Bellingcat’s Investigative Tech Team has therefore created the Bellingcat TikTok Analysis Tool (built on the basis of a TikTok scraper offered by Github user drawrowfly) that allows researchers to collect a dataset of TikToks associated with specific hashtags over lengthier periods. The tool also allows researchers to analyse what other topics appear together with selected hashtags most frequently.”

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