Bibliothekarische Online-Ressourcen

Doug Johnson macht sich im Blue Skunk Blog Gedanken darüber, weshalb bibliothekarische Online-Ressoucen wenig genutzt werden (via

1. Out of sight, out of mind. Unlike print materials that are easily visible to anyone walking into the library, the digital resources are hidden – too often deep with the library’s website, which is hidden deep within the school website.
2. Difficult to promote. Those lively new picture books or high interest non-fiction titles are easy to showcase in displays. While it’s possible to show digital materials on library monitors, it simply feels like more work.
3. Low comfort level by staff. Many adults still do know about nor feel comfortable using digital resources. How many teachers in your school still require “at least one print reference” in their research assignments? Digital = dubious quality still in many an educator’s mind.
4. Inadequate access to technology. You don’t need a device to use print. But e-books and databases require both hardware and an Internet connection (and often a password). If your school is student device poor and you have a high percentage of kids without home Internet access, this is a big, big deal.
5. Free, popular digital options. Hey, why go to all the trouble of logging into World Book or Britannica when Wikipedia just sort of pops up in Google Search? Why log in to Discovery Streaming when there’s YouTube? Yes, we information professionals know why, but do your staff and students care?
6. Slow change in assessments. Your state still require kids know how to use guide words in a print dictionary? ‘Nuff, said.
7. Generic, not targeted. Good print collections are built around curricular needs. Is this currently the case when you are selecting digital materials as well?

Während gegen die ersten sechs Punkte wenig auszurichten ist, können wir auf den siebten Punkt Einfluss nehmen.

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