Coronabedingter E-Books-Boom

Seit Beginn der Coronakrise werden im Vergleich zum Vorjahr fast 30% mehr E-Books gelesen (via Forbes):

«Ebooks and reading apps are seeing a massive boom in readers as a result of coronavirus pandemic lockdowns. Libby, an e-reading platform that lets book lovers access local libraries from their smartphones, saw a surge of 247,000 downloads just last week.

10.1 million digital books were borrowed from public libraries worldwide via Libby last week, according to new statistics from Overdrive, the company behind Libby, which represents a nearly 30% increase from the same week last year.

That record-smashing 30% boost lines up with data reported by Mammoth Media, a mobile entertainment studio behind Gen Z-oriented reading apps including Yarn and CatchUp.»

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