Materielle Merkmale früher Manuskripte

CURIOSity heisst eine neue Website, die sich auf die materiellen Merkmale von frühen Manuskripten der Harvard Library konzentriert. Sie enthält Anleitungen zu Einbänden, Seiten, Inhalt und Dekoration sowie Links zu digitalisierten Manuskripten (via John Overholt auf Mastodon):

«The Material Features project contextualizes teachable material elements in Houghton’s digitized medieval manuscripts.

To make the library’s digitized medieval manuscript collection easier to navigate, we have added tags for material features with teaching value to the items’ HOLLIS records. Inspired by Teaching the Codex, an online pedagogical tool built by master’s students of Oxford University’s Merton College, this project highlights features (like pricking and ruling, for example) that are valuable for educators and researchers.

These curated CURIOSity pages provide context for the tagged features using relevant collection items. The tags have been clustered into four categories: Binding, Pages, Content, and Decoration. See the table of contents below for an overview of the topics discussed and the tags included in each section.»

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