Das wissenschaftliche Projekt “The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online” unter der Leitung von Dr. John van Wyhe vom Fachbereich Biologische Wissenschaften der National University of Singapore (NUS) hat einen 300-seitigen Online-Katalog veröffentlicht, der Darwins komplette persönliche Bibliothek mit 7’400 Titeln in 13’000 Bänden und Gegenständen, darunter Bücher, Broschüren und Zeitschriften, enthält (via news.nus.edu.sg):
“Charles Darwin – arguably the most influential man of science in history, accumulated a vast personal library throughout his working life. Until now, 85 per cent of its contents were unknown or unpublished.
This year, coinciding with Darwin’s 215th birthday, The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online, the scholarly project helmed by Dr John van Wyhe at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Department of Biological Sciences, has released an online 300-page catalogue detailing Darwin’s complete personal library, with 7,400 titles across 13,000 volumes and items including books, pamphlets and journals. Previous lists only had 15 per cent of his whole collection. Darwin’s library has also been virtually re-assembled with 9,300 links to copies of the works freely available online.
“This unprecedentedly detailed view of Darwin’s complete library allows one to appreciate more than ever that he was not an isolated figure working alone but an expert of his time building on the sophisticated science and studies and other knowledge of thousands of people. Indeed, the size and range of works in the library makes manifest the extraordinary extent of Darwin’s research into the work of others,” said Dr van Wyhe.”