Dass Austin Kleon bibliotheksaffin ist, ist nicht neues. Aber dass er über die “Recently returned”-Bücherwagen schreibt, bringst sogar mich, der täglich in einer Mediothek arbeitet auf Ideen (via austinkleon.substack.com bzw. via Elisa Gabbert):
“In Elisa Gabbert’s latest collection, she writes about the magic of the “recently returned” shelf at the public library: “I like how it reduced the scope of my options, but without imposing any one person’s taste or agenda upon me, or the generalized taste of the masses suggested by algorithms. The books on that shelf weren’t being marketed to me; they weren’t omnipresent in my social media feeds. They were often old and very often ugly. I came to think of that shelf as an escape from hype. It was negative hype. It was anti-curation.””