Informationen zu Zine-Bibliotheken versammelt Informationen zur zine libraries interest group. Es gibt u.a. eine Abteilung zum Thema running a zine library mit einer Abteilung zum Thema teaching with zines. Auf der Website gefunden habe ich z.B. den interessanten Podcast “Episode 409: Zines” des Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange:

“The zine libraries interest group is a collective of people interested in all aspects of zine libraries. The group is very informal and most of the activity takes place on the zine librarians e-mail listserv. No credentials are required to be a part of the action—if you care about sharing and preserving zines, we’re glad to have you! was created in 2007 to share resources regarding collections, programming, preservation, and the promotion of zine collections beyond the email list. We would like to exist as a place where zine librarians of all stripes can share information, documentation, advice and news pertinent to zine libraries worldwide. We welcome zine librarians and archivists to sign up, log in, create content, post blog entries and to use this site in whatever ways best support and improve zine libraries everywhere!”

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