Kampf gegen Bücherverbote

Im Guardian gibt es unter dem Titel “How to beat a book ban: students, parents and librarians fight back” einen Artikel zum Kampf amerikanischer Bibliothekar*innen gegen die Zensur in Bibliotheken:

“More than 2,500 different book bans were enacted in schools across 32 US states during the 2021-2022 school year, according to a new report by Pen America. And attempts to ban books from libraries are on track to exceed 2021’s already record-setting figures, the American Library Association said on Friday.

But still, there is cause for hope.

Across the country, parents, students, teachers, librarians and community groups have successfully fought back against attempted bans, defeating well-funded, rightwing attempts to remove books that address issues of race, sexuality, and gender.”

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