Lehrvideo-Serie Schoolhouse Rock ist 50 Jahre alt

Schoolhouse Rock, die ausgelassene, farbenfrohe amerikanische Serie von Lehrvideos, die der Generation X das Einmaleins, das Auspacken von Adjektiven und die Präambel der US-Verfassung beibrachte ist 50 Jahre alt (via cnet.com):

“Schoolhouse Rock, that rambunctious, colorful series of educational videos that taught Gen Xers their multiplication tables, how to unpack their adjectives and the preamble to the US Constitution, turns 50 on Friday. On Jan. 6, 1973, the math segments, known as Multiplication Rock, debuted on ABC, so Schoolhouse Rock can now join the rest of us Xers in AARP. And I can’t let its big birthday go unnoticed.”

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