— NYPL Emoji Bot (@NYPLEmoji) August 30, 2016
Wochit News berichtet über den neuen Twitter-Kanal NYPL Emoji Bot der New York Public Library. Wer ein bestimmtes Emoji an diesen Account sendet, erhält ein passendes Bild aus der NYPL-Bildersammlung (via The Lone Wolf Librarian):
“Most people do not realize that the New York Public Library has hundreds of thousands of digital images as part of its vast cultural catalogue. To help library users, and the internet in general, appreciate the massive nature of the amount of photos they have, the library has created a twitter account called the NYLP Emoji Bot that will respond to an emoji tweet with a related photo from the library’s digital archive. For example, someone tweeted a pizza emoji to the chatbot, and the twitter account automatically responded with a photo of an old pizzeria menu. A photo archives librarian said that this account took months to set up, as librarians linked images as being related to every possible emoji.”