Netflix für Bibliotheken berichtet unter dem Titel “The ‘Netflix for libraries’ app Hoopla is getting a major makeover” über das amerikanische Hoopla (via OCLC Deutschland auf Twitter):

“The Hoopla app lets you borrow digital copies of movies, TV shows, music and audiobooks directly from the app without having to worry about library late fees. The app takes care of everything; all you have to do is link it to your local library. Of course, you need a library card.

Owner and CEO Jeff Jankowski told TNW that over 90 percent of the changes it made to the app are based on user feedback. “We look at every review, every info box, every tweet, every Facebook comment. We look at them and log them.”


Hoopla launched in June 2013 with 50,000 users and now has over 650,000 users using the library check-out app. So it’s doing something right.”

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