Notizen machen mit Mind-Maps

readingIm Mindmeister-Artikel “Take Better Notes in Class Using a Mind Map” wird erklärt, wie Notizen mittels Mind-Maps erstellt werden (via ICT-Unterrichtsideen by Guido Knaus).

“Here are just a few reasons why mind maps work so well for taking notes:

  • A mind map shows relationships, hierarchies and connections between individual pieces of information at a glance.
  • Mind maps provide a great overview of a topic because they store all your notes related to that topic on one single page.
  • You can easily attach additional notes, links and whole files to your map and thus add a whole lot of information to it without diminishing the great overview it provides.
  • Mind maps encourage you to take fewer yet more meaningful notes. While you create the map your brain actively processes the information instead of just mindlessly transcribing it.
  • Mind maps use a number of mental triggers such as images, icons, colors and a two-dimensional structure that help you memorize their contents.
  • You can always go back and add more information to a topic. This is particularly great if your teacher doesn’t present information in a completely linear way and instead tends to jump around a little when trying to explain something.
  • Taking notes in a mind map is fun and feels more like doodling than actual work!”









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