Origami mit Robert Lang

Im Youtube-Video «11 Levels of Origami: Easy to Complex | WIRED«, zeigt Physiker und Origami-Meister Robert J. Lang die elf zunehmend komplizierter werdenden Stufen von Origami. Im einem New Yorker-Artikel beschreibt er, was Origami mit Mathematik zu tun hat (via kottke.org):

«Lang believes that there is still much more to do in origami. “It’s like math,” he said to me one day, as we were having lunch at a burger joint near his studio. “It’s just out there waiting to be discovered. The exciting stuff is the stuff where you don’t even know how to begin.” He wants to improve his human figures, work with curved folding, and keep refining his insects. He wants to fold a better mousetrap and a better mouse. His primary interest is in the art of origami, but he has great faith in its expanding practical potential—solar sails, air bags, containers, shelters, medical implants.»

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