
Voyant ist ein Online-Textanalyse-Tool. Im Suchfenster kann z.B. der Link zu einem PDF eingegeben werden und das Tool zeigt u.a. eine Wort-Wolke mit den meistverwendeten Begriffen (via The Scout Report – Volume 22, Number 31):

“Created by Stefan Sinclair at McGill University and Geoffrey Rockwell at the University of Alberta, Voyant is an online tool for analyzing texts. On this website, users can enter text in a variety of forms, including URL links, plain text, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), and Portable Document Format (PDF). Voyant will then produce a word cloud to represent the frequency that each word appears in the text. By clicking on a single word, users can view an analysis of where in the text that word appears in the Trends box. To analyze or compare multiple documents, users can select Modify under the Documents tab to add additional texts. One notable strength of Voyant, is the various ways it allows visitors to examine written material. While the Trends visualization tool helps visitors analyze where certain words and phrases appear in texts, the Bubble Lines feature allows visitors to compare words across two different texts. A more detailed explanation of how to use and make use of Voyant can be found at http://docs.voyant-tools.org.”

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