Tierlexikon online

Bald eagle video – Haliaeetus leucocephalus – 00

Die britische Website Arkive beschreibt verschiedene Tierarten. Gut vertreten sind z.B. die Vögel (via The Scout Report, 24.4.2015):

“The mission of Arkive, a British nonprofit, is to educate readers about biodiversity and conservation. This section of the the larger Arkive site focuses entirely on birds. Here readers may explore thousands of species listed in alphabetical order. Each record consists of a description, as well as photos, videos, and notes on biology, habitat, and threats. For example, the Arkive site tells us that the Abbot’s booby (Papasula abbotti) is “a large slender-bodied, black-and-white seabird” that breeds on Christmas Island and lives on a number of islands in the Indian Ocean. In addition to scrolling alphabetically, readers may refine their searches to various conservation statuses and topics, including geographies, newly discovered species, and the effects of climate change. This is an excellent resource for educators teaching biology and conservation, as well as anyone interested in biodiversity.”

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