Top 30 AI-Tools für Bibliothekar*innen

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«The 30 AI tools for librarians highlighted in this article represent the cutting edge of this transformation. From AI writing assistants to automated cataloging to AI-powered reading companions for children, these innovations promise to make our libraries more efficient and better able to meet the diverse needs of the people we serve.»

5. Scite

Get answers that are backed up by real citations! This AI-powered app is your reliable research companion, providing you with cited evidence from published papers.

23. ChatPDF

Chat PDF is a game changer when it comes to saving time for librarians. It uses AI to analyze and summarise research papers, without you having to read each paper in full.

24. Perplexity AI

Improve your research capabilities, improve the quality of the information provided to patrons, and stay on top of cutting-edge research trends by leveraging the power of this tool.

25. AudioPen

This is a game changer for librarians who work with audio recordings, interviews, lectures, and other spoken content. Simply upload your audio files, and this powerful tool will transcribe them into text for you, saving you valuable time and effort.


Say goodbye to the time-consuming task of manually entering metadata for each item in your collections. Simply upload your resources to the tool, and it will intelligently analyze and generate metadata.

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