Wasser-Dokumentarfilme von Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera stellt zum Weltwassertag unter dem Titel «World Water Day: Must-Watch Documentaries» Wasser-Dokumentarfilme zur Verfügung (via The Scout Report – Volume 26, Number 10):

«Grab your popcorn and prepare for a water system world tour with «World Water Day: Must-Watch Documentaries,» a list from the Al Jazeera news network. The list features eight documentaries, representative of four continents and four major themes: gender-justice in water systems, disaster relief and prevention, environmental degradation, and aquatic research and exploration. For example, Senegal’s Sinking Villages explores how rising sea levels impacted villagers, while Kenya’s Water Women discusses the disproportionate effects of water policies on women in Kenyan communities. In China’s Underwater Hunt, you will meet Zang Yi, «China’s first female deep-sea submersible pilot,» and in The Colorado River: A Lifeline Running Dry you will learn about political power struggles over water usage and control. The documentaries are embedded in the list for easy viewing, and all of them are less than an hour in length – perfect for educators to use as a lesson plan for World Water Day, or for interested readers to binge watch in honor of the holiday. [EMB]»

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