Zentrale Webquellen zu Berühmtheiten finden mit MegaGladys

Tara Calishain zeigt unter dem Titel “9 Search Tools for Avoiding Infosewage on the Web” Suchtricks, um Informationsverluste bei der Websuche zu vermeiden. Die zugehörigen Tools sind auf SearchGizmos.com zu finden. Aus der Informationsfülle greife ich hier das nützliche Tool MegaGladys heraus (via Researchbuzz: Firehose):

“Need to know the URL for Lady Gaga’s SoundCloud? Instead of searching Google, check in with MegaGladys. MegaGladys (named after Gladys Kravtiz on the old Bewitched TV show) aggregates information about Wikipedia topics and presents it to you in a list. Search for Lady Gaga and you’ll get a picture, brief biographical information, and a list of official sites. There’s also reference information from credible sources like the Library of Congress and WorldCat. (How much information is listed depends on the topic you search for.) Finally, a cut-down version of Gossip Machine shows possibly-newsworthy dates for the topic in the last couple of years.”

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  1. Pingback: Infomüll bei der Websuche vermeiden – Archivalia

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