Alle 16 Ausgaben des amerikanischen Magazins Avant Garde (1968-1971) sowie die vier Ausgaben des ähnlichen Eros Magazine (1962) sind vom Internet Archive digitalisiert und von Mindy Seu online gestellt worden (via Open Culture):
“Thanks to Mindy Seu, a newly-created website lets you read digital copies of Eros. All four issues: Spring 1962, Summer 1962, Autumn 1962, and Winter 1962. When you visit the site, click the word “Index” in the top right corner, and then you can easily navigate through individual pages.
As you do, keep one thing in mind: Eros was no flimsy magazine. According to The New York Times, it was a “stunningly designed hardcover ‘magbook’,” covering “a wide swath of sexuality in history, politics, art and literature” and featuring articles by the likes of Nat Hentoff.”