Vaticana-Handschriften online

cicero10th-century Cicero with this fine initial C (via “Men Who Wear Glasses“)

Der neuseeländische Journalist Jean-Baptiste Piggin verlinkt in seinem Blog “Macro-Typography” auf zahlreiche Digitalisate aus der Vatikanbibliothek. Zum Sponsor und den hohen Kosten des Projekts schreibt er am 17.9.2016 u.a. (via Archivalia):

“NTT Data Italia says its funding extends to 3,000 manuscripts up 2019. (…)

From simple arithmetic, it would seem to value NTT’s work at 6,000 euros per manuscript. That is surprisingly high: e-codices, the Swiss online library that is the gold standard among manuscript digitization projects, disclosed in March this year that digitizing was costing it 3,000 to 5,000 dollars per manuscript, and this includes expensive metadata research which the Vatican simply does not bother with. (…)

It remains entirely unclear what happens after 2019. Is it possible the entire project could crash and burn without a follow-on sponsor? Other big sponsors will have to be found.”

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