Historische englischsprachige Kochbücher

Im British Library-Video “Cookery Book Collections” stellen Kuratoren aus drei verschiedenen Bibliotheken eine kleine Auswahl von historischen Kochbüchern vor:

“Curators from three different libraries pick out a small selection of varied cookery books from their collections.

From Bartolomeo Scappi’s Opera dell’arte del cucinare (1570) to Catherine Buckton’s Food and Home Cookery (1890) and Len Deighton’s Action Cook Book (1965), this video takes a snapshot look at how cookery books have been created, used and collected through history and their relationship with wider culture.

The curators featured are from the British Library, which has one of its two sites in Boston Spa, West Yorkshire, Leeds Libraries and Special Collections at the University of Leeds. The curators were brought together in a live online event that took place on 6 October 2020 as part of the British Library Food Season 2020, supported by KitchenAid. This video is an abridged version of that event.”

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