Algospeak auf TikTok

Auf TikTok wird zunehmend Algospeak verwendet, um ungerechtfertigte Inhaltsbeschränkungen zu umgehen. In der Studie “You Can (Not) Say What You Want: …” wurden 19 TikTok-Ersteller:innen von Inhalten unter anderem zu ihren Beweggründen und Praktiken befragt (via Newsletter Kultur im Web 37/2023 und

“Social media users have long been aware of opaque content moderation systems and how they shape platform environments. On TikTok, creators increasingly utilize algospeak to circumvent unjust content restriction, meaning, they change or invent words to prevent TikTok’s content moderation algorithm from banning their video (e.g., “le$bean” for “lesbian”). We interviewed 19 TikTok creators about their motivations and practices of using algospeak in relation to their experience with TikTok’s content moderation. Participants largely anticipated how TikTok’s algorithm would read their videos, and used algospeak to evade unjustified content moderation while simultaneously ensuring target audiences can still find their videos. We identify non-contextuality, randomness, inaccuracy, and bias against marginalized communities as major issues regarding freedom of expression, equality of subjects, and support for communities of interest. Using algospeak, we argue for a need to improve contextually informed content moderation to valorize marginalized and tabooed audiovisual content on social media.”

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