Das Webportal smapshot ist ein Projekt der HEIG-VD in Zusammenarbeit mit den Archives de la Construction Moderne. Mittels Crowdmapping sollen die geographischen Positionen von Schweizer Flugaufnahmen aus den Sechzigerjahren gefunden werden. Der Youtube-Clip “Géolocaliser une photographie dans smapshot” zeigt das Vorgehen (via phys.org und buero-dlb.ch):
“Launched just six weeks ago, Smapshot is a public web portal on which anyone can geotag aerial photographs of Switzerland from the 1960s. They superimpose the provided photos onto a virtual map of contemporary Switzerland that was built from data provided by the Federal Office of Topography (Swisstopo). Users can then add anecdotes about the location, provide additional topographical information, chat with other users and share their discoveries on Facebook. And as thanks for their help, they are allowed to print the archival photo that they geotagged. (mehr)”