Audio- und Videobeiträge überfliegen

Wired beschreibt im Beitrag «If You Want to Learn Faster, Overclock Your Audio and Video» das beschleunigte Anhören bzw. Visionieren von Audio- und Videobeiträgen (via Jane Hart auf Twitter):

«Power consumers of podcasts already know that 1.5X speed is their friend. About half the people who use podcast app Overcast listen on Smart Speed, which gooses the audio by eliminating moments of silence. Ten percent of Audible listeners crank up the speed dial. And as online videos become an increasingly important platform for acquiring new skills, speedup behavior is edging into the mainstream. Nearly 10 percent of people watching Khan Academy videos view them faster than normal. (…)

Studies by ­educational-tech researchers Ray Pastore, of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Albert Ritzhaupt, of the University of Florida, found that people listening to scientific info at 1.5X understood just as much as those listening at 1X. Video, Pastore says, is even more amenable to speedup, because the visual and audio cues reinforce one another.»

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