Biografien von 160 Roma-Frauen

Romaniherstory : A Digital Archive sammelt die Biografien von 160 Roma-Frauen, darunter Wissenschaftlerinnen, Künstlerinnen und Sportlerinnen (via FID Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa):

“Yet, Romani women are an essential part of society: as citizens, artists, scientists, writers, activists, Romani women have contributed to improve their environment in a myriad of ways. Many of them have made their mark in disciplines as varied as the arts, politics, STEM or fashion. We are not at all suffering from a lack of positive role models: we are suffering from a lack of visibility! The Romani Herstory Digital Archive aims to provide a counter-narrative and to undo the silencing and erasure of our vast contributions to society.”

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