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Der amerikanische Künstler und Autor des Buches «Steal like an Artist» Austin Kleon erzählt im CreativeLive-Interview mit Chase Jarvis (ab Minute 11:02) über seine Anfänge als Bibliothekar und vergleicht seine Arbeit (day job) als Buchaussortierter («weeding the books that no one wants to check out») und seine künstlerischen Projekte nachtsüber mit Bruce Wayne und Batman (berühmt ist ja v.a. Batgirl, die tagsüber Bibliothekarin ist).

In seinem Blogartikel «Advice for the recent graduate» empfiehlt er als Tipp 2 für Schulabgänger, regelmässig in die Bibliothek zu gehen:

» I am a librarian. I discovered me in the library. I went to find me in the library… I discovered that the library is the real school.
—Ray Bradbury

School can burn you out on reading because you’ve been stuck reading a ton of books you didn’t choose for yourself. Now’s the time to jump in and fall in love again, by reading the stuff you actually want to read. (“Read at whim!”)

A lot of young people complain that they don’t have money for books — get your butt to the library! If they don’t have the books you want, ask the librarian how you can request them.(You can start by looking for my books.) When you get to the library, you might find that they also have free, fast wi-fi, access to online eBooks and databases, and a rad DVD collection. Unlike Starbucks or Barnes & Noble, you can hang out there all day without buying anything and not feel bad about it. They also have a lot of resources for people looking for work. Go up to a librarian and ask them to show your around. You’ll make their day.»

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