Bücher einfassen mit Zuckerrohr-Ethanol-Folie

Helsinkis Bibliotheken planen, auf das Bücher-Einfassen mit Plastikfolie zu verzichten und stattdessen eine umweltfreundliche Variante einzusetzen (via themayor.eu):

«The libraries in the Helmet network (Helsinki Metropolitan Area) will be betting on sustainable alternatives to protect their books. Instead of using plastic coverings and thereby contributing to plastic pollution, from 2021 the institutions will rely on a more sustainable, plant-based alternative, or will not be using any coverings at all. (…)

As of recently, the culture establishments can rely on a high-quality plant-based replacement of plastic, which replicates its protective effect. An additional benefit is that the material is made by Finnish company Pelloplast.
Their bioplastic material consists of a film made of sugar cane ethanol. Only renewable raw materials are used to produce it, while the water-soluble glues it contains do not contain any solvents.»

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