Filme über die Geschichte des ländlichen Raums

Ein Industrie- und Agrarfilm in einem: Elektrizität u. Landwirtschaft, 1925

Mehr als 1000 Filme sind online zugänglich auf dem European Rural History Film Association (AfA/ERHFA) Portal (via Archiv für Agrargeschichte (AfA-AHR-ARH) auf Twitter):

«The European Rural History Film Association (ERHFA) is a non-profit organisation. It promotes the documentation, conservation and study of all aspects concerning films on rural history. The ERHFA maintains the European Rural History Film Database, an Online Portal and publishes together with the Archives of Rural History the series Video Essays in Rural History. Members of the Association are archival and scientific institutions. The officers and members of the Management Committee are, together with the members of the Technical Commission, responsible for the implementation of the aims specified in the constitution of the ERHFA.»

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