Historische Animes online

Die Website Japanese Animated Film Classics versammelt bis Ende 2017 animierte japanische Filme aus der Zeit zwischen 1917 und 1941 (via Researchbuzz: Firehose bzw. Crunchyroll):

«The contents of the website can be viewed anywhere in the world, and have optional English subtitles included. Of special note is the inclusion of Junichi Kouchi’s The Dull Sword, the oldest surviving piece of Japanese animation (circa 1917).

The four-minute silent short depicts a foolish samurai buying — and having issues with — the eponymous item. The archive contains some 64 animated films dated from 1917-1941, as well as profiles of various creators. (…)

The Japanese Animated Film Classics website is maintained by the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo.»

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