Interview mit Tara Calishain

Das Blog Researchbuzz von Tara Calishain berichtet seit 1998 regelmässig über Websuche und nützliche Web-Ressourcen (Researchbuzz: Firehose ist ein weiteres Weblog von ihr). Im Interview mit Robert Berkman gibt sie Hintergrundinformationen zu ihrer Arbeit:

“Q. Who do you think reads ResearchBuzz?

There are a lot of librarians, journalists, and teachers. But it’s all over the map because the resources I mention are all over the map. I don’t care what you do for a living, if ResearchBuzz helps you out, that’s awesome! (…)

Q. Do you remember a particular tip or strategy that you offered over the last few years that got lots of attention and comments?

A. Two.

In 2012 I created a Google Custom Search that searches official state, city, and county Web sites. Google had something similar but shut it down in 2011. You can read about it here.

In 2009 I wrote a quick article showing how to link to exact minutes and seconds in YouTube videos. That article remains ridiculously popular. (…)

Q. What and who do you rely on as your own trusted sources for keeping up with trends and strategies in Web research and searching?

A. I use a combination of RSS feeds, social media monitoring (THANK YOU NUZZEL!) and Google Alerts to find the resources I cover. They’re all important. And of course, ResearchBuzz readers send me tips when they find things, and I have friends on Facebook who tag me with resources.

I gave up trying to keep up with EVERYTHING on the Internet around 1996. It wasn’t possible then so it’s absolutely not possible now. But I hope what I am finding, and I am linking to, and I am talking about, is helping somebody out there. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?”

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