Seit Oktober 2014 gibt es mit «JSTOR Daily» einen kostenlosen Einblick in den reichen Schatz der wissenschaftlichen Datenbank JSTOR (via The Scout Report — Volume 21, Number 41):

«JSTOR has been an essential resource for students and scholars at colleges and university libraries for nearly two decades, but the subscription price for this digital collection puts it out of reach for many individuals. Launched in October 2014, JSTOR Daily brings some of that wealth of research and primary sources in the database to the general public at no charge. Through weekly feature articles and daily blog posts, this online magazine mines the database for material that provides context and detail to current events and issues. The front page offers a small sampling of the most recent blog posts and long reads, while the archives can be explored through five topical headings: Arts & Culture, Business & Economics, Politics & History, Science & Technology, and Education & Society.

Users can also sign up to have the Weekly Digest delivered to their inbox. For readers interested in delving deeper into those stories crossing their Facebook and Twitter feeds, JSTOR Daily is a fascinating must.»

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