Neues Filmportal zur europäischen Filmgeschichte

Ein neues Filmportal die das Europäische Filmerbe und die Filmgeschichte porträtiert ist vom Georgischen Nationalen Film Zentrum online gestellt worden (via Researchbuzz: Firehose und

“A new film portal introducing European cinema heritage and facilitating study of the history of the art form was unveiled by the Georgian National Film Centre on Thursday, with the website aimed to provide access to archival material, video classes and more to young cinephiles…. Allowing young enthusiasts to ‘explore and analyse’ cinema with knowledge of the art form and its history, it has been designed to utilise ‘pedagogical potential across a range of curriculum subjects,’ and involves tests, exercises, video lessons and other visual material on the subjects.”

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One Response to Neues Filmportal zur europäischen Filmgeschichte

  1. Pingback: Portal zur europäischen Filmgeschichte – Archivalia

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