Periodensystem der Elemente in Bild und Wort

Keith Enevoldsen bietet auf seiner Website «The Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures and Words» (via The Scout Report – Volume 23, Number 46):

«For science educators looking for ways to engage young learners with the periodic table of elements, Keith Enevoldsen offers The Periodic Table of the Elements, in Pictures and Words. This website includes an interactive periodic table, where users can click on any element in the table to learn additional information about the element. Each element features an illustration (usually depicting a common item that uses the element), a list of characteristics of the element and places one might find it, and information about the group the element belongs to (e.g. noble gases, alkali metals, etc.) The «uses» section offers a helpful table that provides a description of the physical characteristics of each element and their common uses. This website offers a helpful tool for K-12 chemistry classrooms and may be especially useful as a study guide for students to use when completing assignments outside the classroom. Visitors will find a printable PDF of the periodic table, along with other printable educational materials, by navigating to the «home/printables» tab.»

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