Printz Award

Der Printz Award ist ein US-amerikanischer Preis für ein herausragendes Jugend-Hörbuch (via

«The Michael L. Printz Award is an award for a book that exemplifies literary excellence in young adult literature. It is named for a Topeka, Kansas school librarian who was a long-time active member of the Young Adult Library Services Association. The award is sponsored by Booklist, a publication of the American Library Association. Learn more about Michael Printz via this video from»

2022 Winner

«Firekeeper’s Daughter
By Angeline Boulley
Henry Holt and Company, and imprint of MacMillan Children’s Publishing Group

Daunis, a half-Ojibwe, half-white former hockey player/aspiring scientist never feels fully settled in either her reservation or the outside world. She finds herself even more torn when she witnesses her best friend’s murder and is pulled into an FBI investigation centered on a lethal new drug running wild among her friends and family.»

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