Quiz zur DDC

Auf Bookriot gibt es unter dem Titel «How Well Do You Know the Dewey Decimal System?» ein unterhaltsames Quiz zur Dewey Decimal Classification (via Heidrun Wiesenmüller auf Twitter):

«If you went to grade school in the United States, you might have spent some time in the school library learning about how it works and enjoying the company of hundreds or thousands of books. My own elementary school had our library elective and the library itself in a portable building, and I still recall the school librarians teaching us the Dewey Decimal System by way of “Ode to Joy,” putting the names of each classification to the melody in order. My classmates and I sang the words, filling the tiny trailer to the brim with our droning voices as we dove into Dewey’s famed organization system. Later, we would take quizzes on paper, some of us humming the tune to ourselves to be sure we marked the correct sets of numbers to each printed category. Today, I work in a public library and can usually direct folks easily to the general area they’ll need for their topic of interest without consulting Beethoven.»

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