Sehenswerte bibliothekarische und informationswissenschaftliche Videos

Das Librarianship Studies & Information Technology Blog versammelt auf einem eigenen Youtube-Kanal und im Blog unter dem Titel «Library and Information Science Videos» 200 sehenswerte Videos zu bibliothekarischen und informationswissenschaftlichen Themen:

«Library and Information Science Videos is an initiative of Librarianship Studies & Information Technology blog to showcase the finest LIS videos for librarians, catalogers, metadata, archives, and knowledge professionals. (…)

I always wanted to see beautiful libraries of the world like the Library of Congress of Washington D.C., the British Library of London, and the Bodleian Library of Oxford. I also wanted to view Library and Information Science tutorial videos by top-ranked library and i-schools. There are some topics which cannot be demonstrated effectively through text (as in article form), where video format is preferred. For example, if the subject is like Use of Robots In Libraries, then it would be more interesting to see a video showing robots in action in libraries. Likewise, a biography of a library and information science luminary like Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, Dr. Carla Hayden, Lois Mai Chan, or Charles Ammi Cutter should better be viewed in a video.»

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