Terminologiedatenbank zu COVID-19

„Pandemology“ ist eine Terminologiedatenbank, die Zugang zu COVID-19-Terminologie in mehreren Sprachen bietet. Sie ist ein Projekt von Studierenden des Translation Management (M.A.) unter der Leitung von Frau Prof. Dr. Rachel Herwartz an der SDI München (via SDI München auf Twitter):

«With Pandemology we would like to provide a multilingual database for terminology that can help tackle the challenges of COVID-19 (also called coronavirus) and beyond by offering the opportunity to discuss, verify and agree on terminology. Feel free to create new entries – it does not matter whether you are a translator, medical professional or work in another sector.

We hope that this terminological project will enable international collaboration and bring the world closer together in these difficult times. Should you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, we look forward to hearing from you.»

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