Theaterstücke mit wissenschaftlicher Thematik

Das Blog Science Plays sammelt Hinweise auf Theaterstücke mit wissenschaftlicher Thematik. Der Katalog wird betrieben von Denise Gillman (via Researchbuzz: Firehose bzw.

«The science play catalogue grew from years of being asked by colleagues for a list of my favorite science play titles. In 2007, I authored an article for Southern Theater magazine about science plays, which included a compilation of my top twenty science plays. It was at that time I began collecting science play titles in earnest. In 2015, CNU awarded me a sabbatical to support my research and cataloguing of these plays. In 2016, Shannon Farrow, Danielle Hartman and I began a science play think tank, which included developing the catalogue. In 2017, I consulted with Dr. Trevor Hoag and Dr. Nicole Emmelhainz who head up the Digital Humanities minor to identify the best digital platform for the catalogue. We also discussed how to involve our students in the cataloging process. From this partnership, Brooke Sanders, a senior in Communication and minor in Digital Humanities, joined our team and began the process of designing and uploading the catalogue’s content. Current students in the Science on the Stage class have also contributed to the website by creating blog posts of individual plays as in-class assignments.»

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