Wanda Hazel Gágs “Millions of Cats (1928)”

Wanda Hazel Gágs “Millions of Cats (1928)” gilt als das älteste amerikanische Kinderbuch, das noch gedruckt wird (via publicdomainreview.org):

“For the feline minded, there is rarely too much of a good thing when it comes to cats; Wanda Hazel Gág’s Millions of Cats (1928) tells a tale that proves the rare exception. Considered the oldest American children’s book still in print, it continues to delight the contemporary eye. A superbly talented lithographer, Gág helped popularize the double-page spread in illustrated children’s literature, collaborating on this volume with her brother, who lettered the text by hand. In 1928, The Nation placed Millions of Cats on its list of distinguished titles, and it won a Newbery the following year, a rare award for picture books.”

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