Wie man Claude AI verwendet

Der KI-Chatbot Claude wird anhand der neuesten Echtzeitdaten trainiert und ist über Slack zugänglich. Es gibt Unterschiede zu ChatGPT (via zdnet.com):

«Most people who use AI are undoubtedly familiar with ChatGPT. But that’s not the only AI game in town. Another chatbot capable of advanced features is Claude. Developed by artificial intelligence company Anthropic and accessible through a free beta on its website, Claude was updated to version 2 this past July. The update brings with it several enhancements.»

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One Response to Wie man Claude AI verwendet

  1. Habe dieses neue Tool grad testen wollen und erhalte beim Login folgende Meldung:
    Unfortunately, Claude.ai is only available in the US and UK. We’re working hard to expand to other regions soon.

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